The Orchard Blog

A-CAMPING WE WILL GO! by kathrynegly
January 14, 2009, 1:33 pm
Filed under: Orchard Kids

No doubt about it—camp is a great experience for kids!

– 96% of elementary kids say camp helped them make new friends.
– 92% say the experience helped them feel good about themselves
– 74% say they tried something they’d been afraid of while at camp.

Camp Kidjam applications due THIS weekend with a $50 deposit!

Need more info? Email me or visit!

– Kathryn Egly

Finding Time to Volunteer by orchardblog
January 13, 2009, 11:47 am
Filed under: Orchard Kids, Volunteering, Weekend Gatherings

What’s the difference between people who volunteer and people who don’t?  About 436 more hours (or 2.5 weeks!) of TV viewing per year.

According to a recent study, people who volunteer give up an average of an hour of TV per day compared to those who don’t.

If you aren’t volunteering, inquire at the Info Counter about how to GET INVOLVED and make a difference!

Source: Volunteering in America

Posted by Kathryn Egly

What’s a turkey? by kathrynegly
December 4, 2008, 4:31 pm
Filed under: Orchard Kids

One great reason to work in Orchard Kids – the KIDS are FUNNIER than Scott! (sorry Scott)

Conversation between a volunteer and 4 year old child in an Orchard Kid’s class this weekend:

Volunteer: “Did you eat a lot of turkey on Thanksgiving?”

4 year old Boy: “What’s a turkey?

Volunteer: ‘Well, its a bird”

Boy: “I never eat birds.”

Posted by Kathryn Egly

Choosing GRATEFULNESS over GREED by kathrynegly
November 6, 2008, 3:10 pm
Filed under: Orchard Kids

Gratitude = Thankfulness + Action

Here are 6 practical ways to help your children be grateful, not greedy!

1. Don’t say yes to everything your child wants! If you give too much, they won’t appreciate what they have and can become ungrateful.  Show them how to earn money, save it and spend WISELY!

2. Cultivate thanksgiving in prayer and encourage your children to do the same. Find things to THANK God for, rather than just spending all your prayer time ASKING for things.

3. At dinnertime ask each person to share something he or she is thankful for.

4. Avoid trying to “keeping up with the Jones” (and I don’t mean the Mike Joneses). Remember, more is caught than taught!

5. Serve together as a family. At Hesed House, at The Orchard, at a nursing home, on a missions trip, or at the Christmas Toy Drive.

6. Teach your children that God’s blessings don’t always include “STUFF” :)! There will always be families with more STUFF, but that doesn’t mean that they are more BLESSED!

How does your family chooses gratitude over greed?

Posted by Kathryn Egly

Nagging Not Needed! by orchardblog
November 4, 2008, 2:23 pm
Filed under: Orchard Kids, Parenting, Weekend Gatherings

Pastor Scott gave a great talk this weekend on BOUNDARIES.  If you are a parent I would HIGHLY recommend that you read the book Boundaries with Kids.

The book is easy to read and  teaches parents how to use consequences effectively – so you no longer need to nag, yell or make threats to get your kids to obey!

Posted by Kathryn Egly

Learning through Teaching by orchardblog
March 2, 2008, 7:25 am
Filed under: Orchard Kids

I was speaking with an Orchard Kid’s volunteer on Friday. This is what she had to say about her experience:

“I love teaching the 4 year olds! I’m actually learning Bible stories as I prepare to teach. After my first day, I was able to tell the Bible story to my six year old at bedtime. The next night he asked if I would tell him another one of those stories. It has inspired us to begin reading the Bible together so that we can learn and talk about other stories from the Bible. We love it!”

Posted by Kathryn