The Orchard Blog

Fall Fun Fest by orchardblog
October 27, 2005, 9:26 am
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I hope you’ll make it out to our annual Fall Fun Fest on Sunday evening from 6:00-7:30! It will be a night of fun for your entire family.

We’ll have lots of games, candy, prizes, face painting, a moon jump, and an incredible indoor maze. And it’s all free!!!

If you’d like to have dinner while you’re there, will have pizza and pop for a minimal price.

Everyone is encouraged to wear a costume.

What do you think Pastor Scott will be?

Telling Our Story… by orchardblog
October 20, 2005, 12:26 pm
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About a year and a half ago, my dad and I were talking about our church’s transition and I said to him, “Dad, wouldn’t it be great if one day we have the opportunity to tell the story of our transition and perhaps help other churches who are in need of deep change?” He replied, “If God would open that door, I think it would be a good thing.”

Fast forward to last December.

A total “chance” connection with Marshall Shelley, VP of Christiainty Today, Intl.
One brief conversation.
A lunch.
A few emails.

And now….one year to the week of my dad’s passing – an article in Leadership Journal telling about our journey of change and transition along with my dad’s personal transition and journey during that time.

I received my copy a few days ago and can’t tell you excited I am about getting our story out in a printed publication. I am hoping and praying that this article, along with the magazine’s theme of church turnaround will spark the hearts of church leaders (especially pastors of older churches) to be willing to take serious steps towards change and transition.

Please, join me in that prayer.

And Orchard folks… this is not only my dad’s story. This is YOUR story!

And thank you Christianity Today and the great team at Leadership Journal for making it happen.

Dinner together makes a difference by orchardblog
October 19, 2005, 2:51 pm
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Make it a priority to eat together as a family as often as possible. Research shows that families who regularly eat together have children who make smoother adustments when going through adolescense.

While you are eating together, make sure that each person at the table has an opportunity to share something about their day or their week. End your meal with a prayer together–thanking God for each member of your family and for the things that were brought up during your meal. Believe me, this sharing and prayer time will have a huge impact on your family!

And who knows, meal times might become the most special part of your day!

Erwin McManus by orchardblog
October 13, 2005, 4:28 pm
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Today I had the opportunity to hear Erwin McManus speak at a conference here in Chicago. If you’ve never heard or read his books before, you need to! I love his passion!

He said something today that really resonated with me:

“The church is not about us – we ARE the church and we are here for the world.”

Love it!!! It all goes back to how church is not all about US or what WE want. Great reminder….

In his last book, The Barbarian Way, he writes this:

“The greatest enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity.”

Ouch. Dangit. Just think about that one for a second…

Erwin’s site
Erwin’s church’s site, Mosaic

Blending my family by orchardblog
October 10, 2005, 11:36 am
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Do you have a blended family? If you missed the message yesterday, do yourself a favor and get the CD or download the message. Scott’s words were right on!

I have a blended family, I have 2 kids and married my husband who also has 2 kids. Needless to say, the past 8 years have not always been easy. I’m sure those of you in the same situation will agree that helping to raise children that you did not have from birth has many, many challenges. Any yet, I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Having 2 more kids to love is a reward, not a burden.

My husband and I do not always agree on parenting issues, but we always talk about it and work it out. Communication, as Scott said, is the key.

Have patience, everything will work out. Ask God to help you – believe me, you’ll need it!

Life has not been easy for us these past 8 years, but I love my husband with all my heart. I thank God for putting him and his children in our lives, and I look forward to the next 8 years, and the 8 years after that, and so on.

Are you in a blended family? What challenges do you face?

October First Wednesday with Daniel Groves by orchardblog
October 7, 2005, 12:04 am
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It was great to have Daniel Groves & Band at The Orchard this past Wednesday night for our monthly First Wednesday gathering. We had an exceptional time of worship and it was just awesome watching a couple hundred people worshipping their Creator.

Being able to just sit back and worship without having to think about the technical end of things and leading the band was so, so great. Finding a dark spot in the auditorium and just having a “Scott and God” moment was the best.

Terri shared some great thoughts last night about her experience.

What about you?

We’d love to hear about your worship experience and how that night impacted you.

Comment away or shoot me an email at: scott (AT) orchardvalleyonline (dot) com!

Worship by orchardblog
October 5, 2005, 9:47 pm
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I have never had a worship experience as I had tonight. Daniel Groves and his band were here and I am so thankful I had this opportunity to express my love to God this evening.
The thought that keeps going through my head is Give it to God…Give it to God…
I want to encourage everyone that no matter what troubles you, no matter how large or how small, just give it to God.
I grew up in an evangelical church, sang in the choir, was involved in bible study, but I have never truly worshipped, never felt the presence of God as I did here tonight.
It’s been an awesome night – thank you Daniel for your music and your ministry.

What a weekend! by orchardblog
October 3, 2005, 5:21 pm
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Wow, what a great, great weekend at The Orchard! If you were at any of our weekend worship gatherings, you know that our special surprise guest was Daniel Groves who was here to lead us in worship.

Not only was it a great “sneak preview” of our upcoming First Wednesday service with Daniel and his band, but it was just an awesome time of worship. I almost didn’t even want to give my talk at the 10:45am service. I could have just worshipped God for an hour or two…

This Sunday I wrapped up our 4th week of our Desperate Households series with a talk on household parenting priorities. If you missed it, you can download the message here.

Don’t forget – Wednesday night, 7pm – First Wednesday with Daniel Groves & Band.

See you then!